
Summer 2001 - Broadreach - Honduras Marine Studies

The first of two groups to go to Honduras, we arrived on the 21st of June to enjoy some of the great hiking and scuba diving that Honduras had to offer. We were there for three weeks, but that just proved to be too short for all of great and exciting events we had. The first week and a half was spent on the mainland of Honduras, close to the city of San Pedro Sula. On the mainland we enjoyed the great hiking, and the culture. We helped fix up trails on hikes, and went on a canoe trip that took us close to the gulf of Mexico. After enjoying the first week and a half on the mainland, we had to say farewell to our travel guide Jorge as we left for the Island of Roatan. On Roatan we stayed in one of the most well known Diving resorts in the world, St. Anthony's Key Resort, which is the home of RIMS (Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences). At AKR (anthony's key resort) we enjoyed the amazing diving, as we got to see amazing corals and fishes that are very rare in other parts of the world. Besides enjoying the diving, we were taught about fishes, corals, and turtles by some of the great Marine Biologists who currently study at RIMS. On Roatan we also were able to travel around the island, where we went to a very nice beach, where we built sand-castles :) and enjoyed the beautiful water. We also got to see the Iguana Farm, which was pretty much a driveway with a load of Iguanas, but we did get the be on the UK version of Temptation Island as they were filming at the exact same spot. As the trip concluded we were all very sad to be leaving Honduras, and each other. I went my own seperate ways and went to another trip to the Carribean for another intense scuba diving trip. -Hill


For Further information on this trip, or to look into the Broadreach program, please click the icon below."

And now a little information about myself. My name is Mike, as you can tell from the banner or the name of the page. I live on Long Island, New York, which is a very nice area, very close to the city and to the beach at the same time. I enjoy biking, and playing lacrosse (soon you may see a picture of me from one of my lacrosse games), But I mainly prefer the activities in the islands. I love to windsurf, and scuba dive. I just LOVE to scuba dive, I currently as of this new years have around 115 dives and am currently a Rescue Diver. I've been to such diving places as Roatan, Barbuda, The carribean, BVI's, Bonaire, Provo, Cayman and others. This summer will be my second year with the program Broadreach, as I will be going to the Baja penisula for 3 weeks of intensive diving. If you would like any further information about me or anything relating to my pictures, programs, diving, or just to talk please feel free to email me using the email button on the bottom of the page.