April 22 - Changed the look of the index page, added a banner with a little catchy quote...still learning how to do other things to my site, hoping for a big update on the site soon. Also added information about myself to the page.

April 14 - Put some pictures from my trip to Barbuda over the spring break up, enjoy them, I personally love these pics.

March 9 - Im going against my last news post...I've now posted some photos that were taken on my second Broadreach trip, The Underwater Discoveries Advanced program (nothing big though)

March 3 - Well, I updated the photos on the Second Roatan page, hopefully the photos will work now...If not, please email me to let me know, because they only work on my computer. Also, this may be the last update for a while. Why? Because all my photos are up :)

FEB. 10 - More work done to site, added News section and changed link pictures

FEB. 9 - Site finally put up on web, using host TRIPOD